Wednesday, January 9, 2013

ALU update: Alcatel-Lucent Submarine Networks, has launched marine route survey activities in the United States and Brazil

Seaborn Networks says that its contractor, Alcatel-Lucent Submarine Networks, has launched marine route survey activities in the United States and Brazil ahead of the deployment of the Seabras-1 undersea cable project.
 The submarine fiber-optic network will link the two countries with a capacity of 32 Tbps.
In addition to connecting Sao Paolo to New York, Seabras-1 also will have a branch that lands in Fortaleza, Brazil. Tata Communications has raised its hand to be the anchor customer.
Alcatel-Lucent revealed last October that it had won the contract to build the network, including the provision of the company’s 1620 Light Manager (LM) submarine line terminal equipment.
"We are pleased to announce this important milestone as part of the overall implementation of Seabras-1,” said Larry Schwartz, CEO of Seaborn Networks. “Together with the permit acquisition work currently underway and the completion of the cable route study, the marine surveys represent excellent progress as we maintain the schedule for Seabras-1 to enter service in the first quarter of 2015."

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